One Implant
One Surgery
One Visit
Molar Replacement Therapy (MRT), an innovative treatment concept, can be achieved with the TILOBEMAXX® or the I-HEXMRT™ implants. These implants are designed to fit the natural architecture of a molar extraction site, providing implant stability and a restorative platform for an optimal prosthetic solution. MRT is a successful and predictable immediate treatment concept backed by published scientific studies. This treatment concept provides a practice differentiator and, most importantly, benefits patients by reducing the number of surgical procedures, overall treatment time and cost.
Post-op 12 Weeks Healing
Periapical X-ray of immediately placed TILOBEMAXX® 7.0 mm diameter implant in site #3.
Healing Abutment removed exposing the TiLobe® connection.
Final Crown
Final screw-retained monolithic zirconia crown for TILOBEMAXX®. The clinical screw utilized is the same for all implant diameters with a TiLobe® connection (from 3.5 to 9.0 mm).
Occlusal View
Final screw-retained implant crown in place with proper contacts with adjacent teeth, before restoring the screw access hole.
Buccal View
The TILOBEMAXX® wide platform allows for the proper molar emergence profile, embrasure form, and interproximal contacts.
Courtesy: Mariano Polack, DDS, MS, and Joseph Arzadon, MD, DDS, PC
Pre-op X-ray
Clinical X-ray with non-restorable tooth.
Molar Extraction
Atraumatic molar extraction site.
Implant Placed
TILOBEMAXX® 7.0 mm diameter implant with
8.0 mm × 3.0 mm healing abutment placed at time of surgery.
Post-op 12 Weeks Healing
Healing Abutment removed exposing the TiLobe® connection.
Final Crown
Final restoration for TILOBEMAXX®.
Courtesy: Richard B. Smith, DDS